Having worked with hundreds of companies over the years, we are cognizant of the challenges and expectations involved in development and ongoing management of successful government contracting programs. The United States Government as a customer is a highly-prized asset. They are the largest purchaser of goods and services in the world, and they are required to pay within 30 days. As such, it is always concerting to see companies with great products and services, whose contracting sales program fail to meet expectations.
Like any other growth initiative, to be successful, there must be focus, leadership, and commitment on behalf of the company. For many companies, a great deal of effort has been put forth to be approved under a GSA contract. However, all too often, when looking at existing client programs, there is typically limited implementation to include only “part-time” assignment of persons with no experience in government contracting. We see client companies whose entire operational marketing plan relies on nothing more than being under a GSA contract, hoping that the phone will ring. More than not, those companies fail to perform.
Under GSA schedule contracts, the government purchases over $60 billion a year. However, what most do not realize, is that nearly 50% of all companies under contract have little to no sales. Our analysis shows that for companies with services and/or products in demand, the reason for failure is lack of adequate focus.
Common Challenges associated with federal contract sales programs:
Lack of research and marketing intelligence to define market targets; determine relevance in the market; determine market size; identify & target opportunities over multi-year period.
- Are unable to adequately adjust to cyclical volume demands and provide effective and efficient processing of bid requests
- Have non-existent metrics to capture success rates, contract data required for reporting.
- Maintain inadequate procedures for bid opportunity identification; bid review process; bid development and submittal.
- Lack of federal contract knowledge to provide field assistance on contracting matters
- Inadequately staff personnel to maintain GSA contract administration requirements such a modification, price increases, addition of services / products.
- Inadequately place controls and procedures for performance monitoring, standard operating procedures, training, and financial accounting.
The Breen Consulting Group can aid in a multitude of areas. We have an active research department that can identify opportunities not only daily as they are solicited, but can show re-occurring bids and forecasted opportunities up to 5 years in advance to allow for communication with contracting personnel and planning. Additionally, once under contract we have a staff of contract administrators that can provide modifications to add products/services, increase pricing, or go after new GSA contract areas.
To select clients, we offer a turn-key contract management program that instantly puts expertise behind your contract. Our services package is customized to your needs and can include one or all of the following areas of expertise on an on-going basis:
- Provide comprehensive market intelligence to include relevant data, competitive range, potential market size, cumulative sales opportunity range, benchmarking
- Provide consulting support aimed at improving efficiencies, throughput, and contract response
- Assist with the development of bid response document templates that can be used in response to a varied number of bid types.
- Develop successful government contract strategy
- Provide expertise, guidance, and recommendations focused on process procedures including evaluation of opportunities, bid protocols, and response mechanisms.
- Develop and implement suitable controls and procedures for performance monitoring and operational processing including developing standard operating procedures and training programs
- Provide client consultation on current and proposed contract issues / strategy
- Provide turn-key program management of all aspects to include research, daily opportunity review, coordination with client personnel, contract administration, contract management, contract compliance, metrics reporting, training of company personnel on support issues, award implementation, as well as field sales assistance.
With proven methodologies and expertise to design and deliver a comprehensive program –large and small businesses, as well as federal, state, and foreign governments have trusted the Breen Consulting Group to provide thorough, accurate contract service, comprehensive program management, and contract oversight.
Our clients view us as partners in achieving their strategic objectives. We have earned this privileged status through our emphasis on customer service and dedication to constant evaluation and improvement of business processes. The Breen Consulting Group has built a team of specialists armed with industry knowledge and unique subject matter expertise to assist clients with solving specific challenges impacting operations.
The program services we offer are designed to provide a complete and total service to select clients. Most consulting firms only advise a client what to do, with the actual implementation up to the client. The Breen Consulting Group provides consultation, and provides complete turn-key services to establish a program by which you can be successful and profitable. The level of resources we put forth to any given project reflect the level of resources our clients currently provide. In many cases, there is limited personnel or assets assigned to the project. We fill in the holes and assign knowledgeable and experienced personnel that are up to the challenge.
We have provided a download below that contains a comprehensive overview on our Turn-Key Program in detail. To download this document, please click the link below.