Keeping track of your competition and the state of your industry is an integral part of operating any business. Traditionally, that information has been termed “market intelligence.” In recent years, the practice of collecting market intelligence has expanded to include analysis and analytics that can help you improve your business model and projections. At its core, market intelligence uses multiple sources of information to create a comprehensive picture of the company’s existing market, customers, problems, competition, and growth potential for new products and services.

As with the commercial side of any business, highly successful government contractors employ resources to gather market intelligence on competing firms, upcoming contracts, forecasted agency budgets, as well as pricing determination on prior contracts.   This information is critical to determine government market relevance, establish benchmarks, target opportunities, and to develop metrics by which you can track the level of success you have within the marketplace.

As demonstrated above, an important aspect of the program we offer is the detailed market intelligence we provide.  This intelligence research is critical to any company seeking success in the government market.  Without this specific and comprehensive research, a company would have to wait until an opportunity becomes due, and then quickly put together a bid package.  Market intelligence allows us to research, communicate with contracting people, and plan for the solicitation months and even years before they come due.  This allows time for a sales effort to take place so that the contracting staff are aware of your interest in the opportunity as well as understand your capabilities, before they even go out for bid.

Using our proprietary databases, we have the ability to target an entire market segment or  a specific competitor, region, state, dollar value, and product/service.  We map out upcoming opportunities with detailed information, which allow us to coordinate effective team activities.   Examples of information available includes:

Competitor Information

  • A list of top competitors in the industry
  • Top federal agencies that are purchasing their services
  • Overview of sales by top competitors to show trend
  • Contracts held by each competitor showing value and end date
  • Business size breakout and regional award restrictions, if any
  • List of GSA competitors with 3 year sales history
  • Identified competitor vulnerabilities

Market Information

  • A detailed breakout of market size
  • Successful contractors within the market
  • Potential partners
  • Current versus future Agency budgets
  • Identified contract vehicles (GSA, GWACS, Agency Wide, Open Competition)
  • Purchase Trends over a 3-5-year period
  • Relevant NAICS and PSC codes


Awarded Contract Information

  • List of potential recurring contracts by agency
  • Contact Information on identified contracts to include name, title, e-mail, telephone if available
  • Breakout of value and percentage of set-aside actions
  • List of set-aside contractors for potential partnering
  • Identification and breakout of sole-source actions
  • Aggregate dollar value
  • Copies of prior solicitations for review of potential compliance issues

Contracting Points of Contact

  • Contact information on all contracting personnel broken out by agency for potential marketing efforts.

The Breen Consulting Group offers Market Intelligence to our clients as a stand-alone service or as part of our Turn-key contracting program.   Our average turnaround time for a customized project is 3 weeks from the date of authorization.  Please contact us for any questions you may have on this program.